Thursday, September 15, 2011

momma's got a new "do"...

For any of you who really know my mom, you know that she is the epitome of a true southern lady.  She can and will throw the best birthday, Christmas, or 4th of July party that you have EVER seen.  She opened our home to many bible studies and taught me how to truly be an example of His love.  She can cook, clean, and write a thank you note all at the same time.  She is always very put together and always makes everything that she does look effortless.  If anyone can pull off this new "do", trust me, it's her!!

getting started...

she put Tull in charge of shaving since he's done it once or twice...

no turnin' back now...

 when your hair starts falling out, it's very painful.  so painful it will bring you to tears.  the top of her head is where it hurt the most.

 team effort...

almost all gone and still all smiles...

ha, couldn't resist...she's such a good sport!

good to know best friends will always be there to hold your hand when you need it the most...

She's so tough, but has had a few "moments" since losing her locks.  We knew this was going to happen, but knowing it and actually having to do it are two different things.  Your prayers help get us through these difficult, difficult days.

little fuzzy but love much...through thick and thin

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