Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Once again, I find myself writing a thank you post.  This time, our hearts and our bellys are full!  Thank you, THANK YOU, thank you is in order for mom and dad's Sunday school class!!  They organized a spaghetti feast for our church this past Sunday.  Plates were sold on mom's behalf.  My only regret is that mom was not able to attend.  I guess chemo is getting the best of her these days.  Thank you so much to anyone and everyone that helped make this possible.  Everyone, from the Sunday school class to the church congregation, you have blessed us beyond measure.  It is exhausting, both physically and emotionally, traveling to Birmingham each week.  The driving, the waiting, the taking care of a sick one, is almost too much to handle at times.  Thank you for showering us with blessings this week.  We love you!

In other news, mom received her weekly chemo this week.  She was there allll day again today, but did outstanding.  They are back at the room, and she is snoozing away.  She also had a chest X-Ray done this morning.  She has gotten to where she will lose her breath and it takes a second for her to catch it.  It scares her, and hurts her chest, so they scheduled this test for good measure.  We weren't sure if this had something to do with the cancer moving to her lungs. We are thanking our lucky stars tonight that it was clear! 

It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!  Be committed this whole month to pray for breast cancer research, doctors, patients, and those who have lost the battle.  I challenge you...will you do it?

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