Thursday, March 15, 2012

His grace...

From Dad...

Everyone keeps texting, calling, and emailing to find out the results of Peggy's test this week, as well as the ones that were pending. 

But first, let me take you back to December 17th of 2010.  She was put in the hospital for pain in her arm and on the left side of her chest.  On Monday, the 20th, doctors confirmed the cancer.  She had a tumor in the left side of her chest wall, as well as other multiple spots outside the chest wall.  The tumor in her left chest wall was about the size of a swollen golf ball.  On December 24th, Tullie, Sami Jo, and Ciara decided they would go home for Christmas at Nana's.  We were going to stay in Birmingham for Christmas in the hotel because Mom had began chemo on the day before.  Shortly after they all left, the doctor came by and ask me to step out into the hall.  I will never forget what he told me.  He said she may never have another Christmas.  If it were him, he would take her home.  My heart left me at this point and I absolutely forgot all that was going on around me.  I was so tired.  I had been up for two days at this point.  I had to go and sit down by myself, where I cried a lot and tried to gather my thoughts.  It was not a very good time, but we made it home and lived in Birmingham until February 16th. 

At this point she had been give 36 treatments of the strongest dose of radiation.  It was now time to go home and wait.  Oh, it was so hard on her!  The pain, and waiting THREE months before they would do a test to see how much and if the radiation worked.  The mental part of not knowing can be as hard or harder than the pain itself.

Finally the day had come and, much to our anguish, the cancer was still very much there.  The tumor was still healthy, vibrant, and killing her.  Now her doctors wanted to try chemo...Again! She had done chemo in 2005 and 2006.  It was then that her doctors told us her surgery and cancer was a "textbook case."She should never have a problem with this again.  WRONG!  Her cancer, Triple Negative HER2, was back and worse that we could have ever expected or anticipated.

Before she allowed UAB to go forward, we sought out a second opinion from MD Anderson in Houston, Texas.  They said her best bet was the clinical trial at UAB.  We were amazed at the technology and attention that they gave us there, and trusted their opinions fully.  The experimental drug, Tigatuzamab, combined with a drug that is already FDA approved, Abraxane, had shown promising results on the type of cancer that Mom had. 

Only about 20% of caucasian women have this cancer.  It is most commonly found in hispanic and black women.

Back to Birmingham we went, doing more tests to prep and prepare for these new drugs.  She had a port implanted and began mentally preparing for the pain.  I saw it the first time 5 or so years ago, and I know cancer HURTS!!!

Treatments began August 30th and continued for three weeks in a row and off a week.  Then she starts all over again.  She has been a trooper and when she thought she couldn't do it anymore, something would inspire her to go on.  Be it the hundreds of prayers lifted or cards received, her family, friends, children, or Baby Rob, she pointed her faith straight ahead and willed herself through many, many pinful days and nights.  They are not over yet, but maybe, just maybe, they are on the decline.

As of March 12th, Mom is cancer FREE!!!!!  No cancer to be found!!!!!!!!  No evidence of disease!!!!!

She is only the second one in this study that has had this success.

This is nothing that we have done.  We have prayed selflessly at times for her to be healed, but most of all, we have prayed that His will be done.  His will has been done, and we give Him ALL the praise and glory!!!  WE continue to pray that He will keep her cancer free and allow her pain to be controlled and eliminated.

She starts lymphodema treatments next weel.  This is very painful, and she will be going to Dothan 3 times a week for these.  Her chemo will have to continue for preventative maintenance from now on, or until something better is discovered or approved.

To all who have been faithful with your prayers, support, visits, cards, and friendship, thank you seems so inadequate, but it comes from our hearts.  WE love you all, and may we give God the credit and praise!

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