Sunday, March 31, 2013

no fun...

Hey Ya'll. 

Not much change here.  She's still in the hospital.  She's still in pain.  She's not eating.  I don't think she's really been to sleep since she checked in on Tuesday.  She will nap, but usually wakes up from dreams from all of the pain medicine. 

Hate to sound like Debbie Downer tonight, but just keepin' it real.  We are all a little anxious about the upcoming week.  As far as we know, she will be transported to Birmingham to begin rehab tomorrow.  Not sure what all this is going to entail.  She's pretty much immobile.  The nurses adjust her and keep her as comfortable as possible, but with both ankles gone, and her not being able to use her left arm because of the lymphodema and cellulitis, she's lost her independence.  I can't even begin to imagine just how she feels.

Thank you sweet friends and family for all of the visits, calls, texts, emails, messages, and gifts.  We love you and thank you for making our days brighter.

My heart hurts for her tonight.  Please continue to pray for her and us.  I hate you cancer.  I hate you for taking away her independence.

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