Sunday, August 7, 2011

His plan, not ours...

God's plan is perfect.  Not mine.  What I think is best, doesn't always align with His 

"Understanding will never bring peace.  
That's why I have instructed you to Trust in Me, not your understanding." 

We're back home.

I wish so badly that I didn't have to type these words tonight.  Today several people have asked about mother, and I lied.  I lied when I told you we didn't know anything from her tests.  I'm sorry.  I'm still having a hard time with it.  A hard time believing that this is really happening.   I just couldn't say a tiny 6 letter word to you.  It's easier to type it, than to have to say it out loud.

Hear goes... 

Mother's cancer has spread to her lymphnodes near her neck.

I'm not asking you for your sympathy tonight.  Truthfully, there is nothing that you can say or do that will take the fear away from us.  I just ask you to pray.

Heard this song too during my mission trip.  It also came on the radio tonight during my drive home. 

Thank you Lord for subtle reminders.

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