Wednesday, December 29, 2010

War D*** Radiation!

Another good day so far!  We are at radiation, waiting for her to get her daily dose of goodness.  She had a really good day yesterday.  Only got that sick feeling a few times yesterday and rested really well.  She even went out to dinner for the 1st time in forever!  We had mexican, at her request!  They are going to be moving over to an apartment today, so will post pics of their new home away from home later on.  We love you all and are thankful for all of your prayers.  War Eagle!



  1. That sounds like a really good day Ciara!! Keep the sick feelings away...yea. Keep those good reports coming...praying you feel God's comfort and His healing power. Love you all..

  2. Peggy, I am so glad you are feeling better today.I am praying for you to feel God's peace that passes all understanding. Glen stopped yesterday and visited a little while. He thinks you are the greatest. We do too!!! I gave Madison and Raegan sweatshirts for Christmas and they say "Fight Like a Girl" with a pink ribbon. FIGHT LIKE A GIRL
    Olivia and Larry

  3. I am so glad to hear of a good day, and Peggy feeling better. God is at work on her, and I know she can feel it! Praying that the good days continue!

  4. Good Morning Sunshine...

    This morning I decided that praying for Peggy just wasn't enough, that I need to stand on the word for her. So as I looked in the concordance on healing Malacai 4:2 kept catching my eye: so my verse for today is; "BUT FOR YOU WHO FEAR MY NAME, THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS WILL RISE WITH HEALING IN HIS WINGS. AND YOU WILL GO FREE, LEAPING WITH JOY LIKE CALVES LET OUT TO PASTURE." As I read that I remember how cute the calves are every morning when it's cold and the sun comes up and they are running and jumping just enjoying the new day. And that is what I feel for you all today, that though this valley is deep and it is hard to get through that healing is on it's way and it's coming on the wings of God's angels and we all will be leaping with joy on the mountain top. It's a trip you've made before and for whatever the reason to travel it again we don't know, but we do know God will be with you all the way and see you through this. May God bless you all today and give you peace and reassurance....we had Chemo angels but I'm sure the radiation angels are great too...we love you ..
