Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What a difference a day makes...

Sorry everyone I didn't have a chance to update yesterday.  Mom was sick ALL day yesterday!  We made the LONG, her being sick along the way made it seem that much longer, trip back to Birmingham for this week's treatments.  When we got to radiation late yesterday afternoon, the doctor saw her and gave her something for her sickness.  She started to feel a little better last night and woke up a new woman this morning!  They just called her back for her treatment today.  Praise God the sickness is gone and she is feeling better!  Now, if we could just find something that tasted good to her, we would be making real progress!  Everything the she eats and drinks tastes awful, she says.  She can tolerate milk and seems to like hot/spicy and tart foods over everything else we have tried.  Nita packed some lemonade drops that she tried this morning, and said they tasted really good - YAY! :) Below are pictures from yesterday and one I snapped a few seconds ago while she was waiting to go back for treatment.  I think you will be able to see a difference.  As always, we are thankful for all of the prayers.  Be back again tomorrow!

 yesterday 12/27/10 - happy 30th wedding anniversary mom and dad!
 i'm sure she would much rather be celebrating some other way!
feeling much better today - 12/28/10


  1. Glad she is feeling better! Prayer works!

  2. HEy...GLAD that she is feeling better! If the lemon drops were good, try buying some soft peppermint sticks (straight ones), some fresh lemons. Poke a hole in the end of the lemon and hollow it just a little...stick the peppermint stick in and let her suck on it like a straw...it is a very tangy sweet/sour flavor and cleanses the palate too. yall hang in there! Better days coming! Blest be.... from edie

  3. So sorry to hear Peggy was feeling so bad on their anniversary, and so glad she is better today. That sure is a good looking couple sitting there. With chemo for Dalton they told us not to use metal spoons or forks, that the chemo made the metal taste overpower the food. But nothing tasted good to him either, I do remember someone saying they could tolerate the spicy food better than anything else though. Love from back home....

  4. Happy Anniversary Mr Robin and Mrs. Peggy! I love you and your family very much and I hope that you continue to feel better. You are a very strong woman but I know that you have the best support team EVER! You have always been there for me in so many different ways and I have always felt welcome and part of your family any time I was with you. If there is absolutely anything I could do, I will be here in any way. Ciara should know to just say the word! We will continue to send prayers up for your strength, encouragement, healing, and recovery. You have so many people praying and that love you very much. Stay strong!

    We love you,
    Samantha, Kade, & Preston
