Friday, April 29, 2011

Not much change...

Hey y'all! Not much change with mom tonight. Pretty much feels the same as yesterday. Still having some pain, but her "new friend," the morphine button, always seems to help a little. She's been sick a little today, and from time to time, a bit nauseated. Still no word on when she will get to go home. Think she was feeling a little discouraged when I left, so please pray for her. It's really hard on everyone, but especially the one with the tremendous pain and unknowing fear. Even when she's feeling a little weak an possibly defeated, she's still the strongest person ever!! I'm so grateful to be able to call her, "mom!"

Thank you to all the visitors today. We all appreciate you taking time to stop by, even the ones that she didn't get to see because of sickness.

Thank you everyone for the prayers. Continue to lift her up tonight. Be back tomorrow.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I just found this blog, Peggy; however, I want you to know that we have been praying for you since you started down this road. Because of the blog, I'll be better able to keep up. Your courage is amazing, and your support network is first class. PLUS, God is in charge and he sends His Holy Spirit to be a comforter always. God bless you, dear Peggy. May He cause His face to shine upon you and give you His healing.
