Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I try to keep this blog somewhat upbeat. I try to look at everything with the glass half full, not empty, but tonight I'm not sure I can do that. To say we are all frustrated and tired and exhausted is an understatement.

I know I haven't been the best blogger this year. To be completely honest, I'm just out of words. It's like her life is a cycle of events. She goes to Birmingham on Monday, has treatment on Tuesday's, feels horrible until Sunday, then starts the process back over. Each week is like this.

We take two steps forward and 10 back it seems.

Her arm has been batteling infection for weeks now. Lymphodema and cellucitis Have attacked her left arm in full force. It's huge from the swelling and extremely red and hot to the touch. Besides all the pain that's coming from the tumor, she now has to deal with that.

Yesterday while at the Kirklin Clinic getting chemo, her oncologist ordered an ultrasound just to make sure there weren't any blood clots. Thank you Lord for no clots, just a serious case of the already confirmed lymphodema and cellucitis. Her oncologist thought maybe another round of different antibiotics would work.

Last night she was in lots of pain. The ultrasound aggravated the tumor and she was in so much discomfort that they had to stay an extra night in Birmingham. She was in extreme discomfort and didn't think she would be able to tolerate the card ride home.

Still in quite a but of pain, they decided to try and make it on home today. When they got to Troy, they decided to stop and let their family doctor check her arm out, because it was still so swollen, red, and irritated.

He put her in the hospital immediately and tonight is starting strong IV antibiotics.

We are very frustrated. Please pray for our family. Here is a pic I snapped before I left tonight. She is in ICU so no one could stay back there with her tonight. Knowing that she's in there, all alone, is almost too much for me to handle. Wish I would have gotten a better pic of her arm. She sure does hide her pain well.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ciara! My heart just breaks for you and your family. Praying.
