Monday, January 3, 2011

behind the scenes...

Our week is off to a good start!  Mom was sick again this morning, but after meeting with 1 of her doctors today, we found out that her sickness is more than likely being caused by some of the medication she is taking. We also found out early this morning that we could go over and talk to her cancer surgeon, Dr. Bland.  So we did, and felt like VIP's as we made our way up to the UAB's Chief of Surgery's office.  We didn't receive the best of news, but do know that Jesus is the ultimate physician and will heal her in His time.  Keep those prayers going up that the radiation she is receiving is doing its job in shrinking her tumor.  For now, that is the BEST thing we can do!  I went back with Mom as she received her treatment today and wanted to give you all a glimpse into the "fun" she gets to have everyday.  Will post again tomorrow!


***You may have to turn OFF your pop-up blocker to watch the slide show below.  Also, scroll your mouse over each picture to see a quick caption. ****

****Also, thank you Chris and Monica Carroll for the visit and for stocking the fridge/freezer! We love your family very much and now have the season's best vegetables thanks to you!****


  1. Love the slide show Ciara!! Sounds like God met a need through the Carroll's, love how God works like that and so thankful for those that answer to His call. I know you may have already posted (but I missed it) but how long are you'll going to be in Bham? Ciara if you make any T-shirts like our profile pictures on FB the Praying for Peggy in the pink ribbon please let me know, I would love to buy some...standing on His promises in your you.

  2. Alisa, to answer your question about the shirts, yes! I am using that design and have added some things to it but I will be the one selling them. This is my way of contributing!! I should have the completed design by the end of this week and have it posted on this blog page and both mine and Ciara's facebook with all the details and price. You may also contact me at 334-791-9392.

  3. Julia, Great, I would also like to buy some. Thanks you for doing that. Ciara, I dito what Alisa said. Love the slide show and the picture of you and Peggy. Ciara, I sent you a private message on f/b. Love you!!

  4. Ciara, I am going to try this again just in case it didn't come through. Tell your mom and dad that we have been and are praying for them. Please give us a call if there is anything at all that we can do. You know that we will be glad to come and just sit with ya'll one day when it is a good time. I know that you all are so busy and mom is sick and probably doesn't feel like company. But know that you are in our prayers and please do call. Guy's cell # is 334-791-1953. Love ya'll, Bro. Guy & Terrie

  5. It was so wonderful to be able to spend some time with you both this past weekend. I'm glad that you were not sick and felt like being up.
    Keep building your strength and getting better each day. Our love to both of you and let me know what else I can bring on the next trip up.
    See you soon.
    Grant & Nita
    p.s the kids said to tell you hello and hurry back home!!
