Sunday, January 30, 2011

the power of prayer...

Last night was a rough one folks.  It was a loooooong one, filled with lots of pain and tears and lots more pain.  But's powerful stuff!!!  No other explanation as to how she went from this, in the ER last night...
to this, this afternoon...
I left her this afternoon feeling much, much better than last night, just really tired.  She is very ready to come home, and is finding comfort in knowing she only has 1 more whole week of treatment left after this week!  Here are just a few pics from the sweet visitors she had over the weekend.  Thank you again for all of the prayers lifted up last night.  She is such a trooper!

Glad you 2 got to visit before the pain set in!
This high sheriff ALWAYS makes us feel like a million bucks!  Thanks for making us all laugh a little this afternoon!
Be back soon!  Hope you all have a great week!


1 comment:

  1. So sorry the valley was so deep last night and terribly thankful for the mountain top today. I tell you if love, support, compassion, concern and prayers are what it takes to "Kick Cancer's Butt", you've got the upper hand. I absolutely love the true love and compassion Ciara is capturing with her pics. Robin, I've never seen such love expressed and you aren't even trying, it's just there and it is so obvious. We love you all, and our prayers are with you.
