Tuesday, January 4, 2011

good news, bad news...

I always like to end on a happy note, so here goes....I will be quick like a band-aid...

Bad news:  met with Dr. Bland yesterday and found out Mom's cancer is in stage 3b...with stage 4 being the worse.  Nothing you can do to prepare you for a day like that!  Right now, her only treatment is radiation along with the chemo pill that she takes.  At the end of May/beginning of June she will have another scan to see if the treatment she is receiving now has worked in shrinking the size of her tumor.  Waiting stinks!  We pray hard, consistently, and faithfully that the radiation will work and her pain will be gone by then.  Until then, we wait...and pray...and enjoy the good and bad days.

Now, on to the better stuff...

Good news:  cancer is contained in her chest wall, not over her entire body (know I've already mentioned that before, but we are still praising Him for this and thought it was worthy of the "good news" category), she hasn't been sick in 2, yes TWO whole days!, she has had more energy and hasn't slept during the day near as much over the past 2 days, no signs of burning yet from the treatment, and although scared, knows that she can beat this!!!!

Also, Nana knows just how to make a girl feel better.....homemade soup is medicine for the soul! 
Be back soon! Thankful, as always, for the prayers and encouragement!  Tomorrow's post will be something you won't want to miss!



  1. Tomorrows post is going to be REAL GOOD!! PRAISE GOD for the GOOD NEWS!!

  2. Keeping y'all in our prayers. Hugs to everyone!

  3. Praying hard. Thankful for the good news. And thankful that we have the ULTIMATE healer on our side!!!

  4. Oh man that soup makes my hungry. So glad for the good days. Standing on the promise....that's right Peggy, you're a fighter and your in the battled armed. Can't wait for the next post....

  5. Hi Peggy....I finally figuered out how to get on your blog......it's takes me a while, but I eventually get there......SO GLAD you haven't been sick for the past coupla days.....that is great.......just think, every treatment behind you is one day closer to being healed.....and....YOU WILL BE HEALED.........we all are praying for you and miss you A LOT......

  6. I saw your beautiful daughter at school today! She really lights up a room with that smile. I know that she is a comfort and source of hope to you always. Eat plenty of that good soup and get better! Edie Fiquett

  7. Peggy the barbecue was delicious. I am trying
    to track down the recipe for camp stew. It was
    really good. Love you and praying for a full recovery and complete healing.
    Miss Janis
