Thursday, January 20, 2011

happy half way day!

We're halfway there folks!  Only 18 treatments left!!!!!  Hopefully the worst is behind us and it's smooth sailing ahead.  She had a pretty good day today - just tired, really tired, but that's to be expected.  
Here's a pic from her tearing off another day - my kids made it for her to help keep track of her treatments.  We have quiet time for her everyday and there's something about the innocence of a child's prayer.  It such a sweet sound to hear them whispering to God to make her all better so she can come home and play :)  And thank you for your prayers - not sure we would be making it without them!  That's all for tonight - later gators!


1 comment:

  1. HELLO SUNSHINE!! Peggy wish I was there with you. You are one special lady. I am always so thankful that the Lord put you in my life's path. Praising God for the Good Days, and Praying for even more and more Great Days ahead. O how precious to hear about the children praying for you. Keep pulling those rings off and it won't be long before you will be thru with your treatments. Lots of HUGS AND PRAYERS! LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!!!!
